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Introdução: Os serviços de urgência pediátrica são ambientes particularmente deletérios para os recém-nascidos. A identifica -
ção precoce da doença neste grupo é fundamental, uma vez que o atraso diagnóstico pode estar associado a consequências
graves. A maioria dos sistemas de triagem utilizados nos serviços de urgência pediátrica não possui algoritmos específicos para
os recém-nascidos. Este estudo teve como objetivos caracterizar os recém-nascidos que recorreram ao serviço de urgência
pediátrica, analisar a sua categorização pelo Sistema de Triagem de Manchester e identificar fatores de risco associados ao
Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo efetuado pela análise dos dados de recém-nascidos admitidos no serviço de urgência pediátrica
no ano de 2012.
Resultados: Foram incluídos 779 recém-nascidos com idade média de 16,78 dias. Os principais diagnósticos de admissão foram
as infeções respiratórias (21,9%) e a cólica do lactente (21%). Ficaram internados 22,2%, sendo os principais motivos as infe -
ções respiratórias baixas (19,7%), os episódios de apparent life threatening event (15%) e as gastroenterites agudas (10,8%).
A presença de hipoxemia e a realização de exames complementares no serviço de urgência pediátrica associaram-se a maior
taxa de internamento (p = 0,001), assim como a atribuição de nível de prioridade “urgente”, “muito urgente” ou “emergente”
pelo Sistema de Triagem de Manchester (p = 0,001).
Discussão: O recurso dos recém-nascidos ao serviço de urgência pediátrica neste hospital ocorre maioritariamente por situa-
ções de doença aguda. Os diagnósticos de admissão mais frequentes apresentam pouca gravidade clínica, já que contribuem
pouco para o número de internamentos. Verifica-se uma correlação entre o nível de prioridade atribuído pelo Sistema de
Triagem de Manchester e a necessidade de internamento neste grupo etário.
Background: Paediatric emergency departments are par- ticularly deleterious environments for newborns. Early identification of disease in this group is essential since diag - nostic delay may be associated with serious consequences. Most triage systems used in emergency departments have no specific algorithms for newborns. This study aims to characterise newborns admitted to an emergency depart- ment and to identify factors associated with the need for hospitalisation. It also aims to analyse the categorisation of newborns by the Manchester Triage System. Methods: This was a retrospective study of newborns admitted to the paediatric emergency department during 2012. Results: A total of 779 newborns were included, with a mean age of 16.78 days. The main causes of admission were respiratory infections (21.9%) and infant colic (21%). A total of 22.2% newborns were hospitalised, the main motives being lower respiratory tract infections (19.7%), apparent life-threatening events (15%) and acute gastro- enteritis (10.8%). Hypoxaemia and and complementary exams were associated with a higher hospitalisation rate (p=0.001). Categorisation as urgent, very urgent or emer- gent priority by the Manchester Triage System was also associated with higher hospitalisation rates (p=0.001). Discussion: Newborns went to the paediatric emer- gency department mainly because of acute disease. The most common admission diagnoses were not clinically severe, since they contributed little to the hospitalisa - tion rate. There was a correlation between the priority level assigned by the Manchester Triage System and the need for hospitalisation in this age-group.
Background: Paediatric emergency departments are par- ticularly deleterious environments for newborns. Early identification of disease in this group is essential since diag - nostic delay may be associated with serious consequences. Most triage systems used in emergency departments have no specific algorithms for newborns. This study aims to characterise newborns admitted to an emergency depart- ment and to identify factors associated with the need for hospitalisation. It also aims to analyse the categorisation of newborns by the Manchester Triage System. Methods: This was a retrospective study of newborns admitted to the paediatric emergency department during 2012. Results: A total of 779 newborns were included, with a mean age of 16.78 days. The main causes of admission were respiratory infections (21.9%) and infant colic (21%). A total of 22.2% newborns were hospitalised, the main motives being lower respiratory tract infections (19.7%), apparent life-threatening events (15%) and acute gastro- enteritis (10.8%). Hypoxaemia and and complementary exams were associated with a higher hospitalisation rate (p=0.001). Categorisation as urgent, very urgent or emer- gent priority by the Manchester Triage System was also associated with higher hospitalisation rates (p=0.001). Discussion: Newborns went to the paediatric emer- gency department mainly because of acute disease. The most common admission diagnoses were not clinically severe, since they contributed little to the hospitalisa - tion rate. There was a correlation between the priority level assigned by the Manchester Triage System and the need for hospitalisation in this age-group.
Recém-nascido Serviço de urgência pediátrica Portugal
Acta Pediatr Port 2016;47(1):61-7
Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria