Nascimento, SReis, J2020-07-142020-07-142019Acta Obstet Ginecol Port 2019;13(2):106-1121646-5830 is a surgical technique, sometimes necessary to perform minimally invasive surgery, namely laparoscopic hysterectomy and myomectomy. As it is difficult to distinguish preoperatively a fibroid from a leyomiosarcoma, there are concerns that inadvert morcellation of a malignant tumor might occur, in which case the prognosis of the disease might be worsened. As new evidence arises regarding patient selection, preoperative care and preventive measures, it has become mandatory to inform and discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with the patient, so that a true informed consent is achieved.porNeoplasias dos genitais femininosNeoplasias do úteroProcedimentos cirúrgicos ginecológicosMorcelaçãoConsentimento informadoMorcelação uterina. Atualização e proposta de consentimento informadoUterine morcellation. Update and proposal of an informed consentjournal article