Schmitt, WBaptista, MFerreira, MGomes, AGernano, A2019-02-042019-02-042018Case Rep Radiol. 2018 Feb 28;2018:4935261.2090-6870 pathologies are rare and can mimic numerous abdominal and pelvic diseases. Differential diagnosis of urachal anomalies can be narrowed down by proper assessment of lesion location, morphology, imaging findings, patient demographics, and clinical history. We report a case of a 60-year-old male, with a history of unintentional weight loss without associated symptoms, who was diagnosed with locally invasive urachal adenocarcinoma. With this article, we pretend to emphasize urachal adenocarcinoma clinical features along with its key imaging findings with radiologic-pathologic correlation.engUrinary bladder neoplasmsAdenocarcinomaUrachal Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report with Key Imaging Findings and Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation.journal article10.1155/2018/4935261