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Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma criança com doença falciforme, internada por choque séptico com meningite e
pneumonia a Streptococcus pneumoniae. No decurso do internamento surgiu amaurose súbita à esquerda e herpes mucocutâ-
neo labial. O exame oftalmológico foi sugestivo de oclusão arterial no olho esquerdo e de necrose retiniana viral à direita, pelo
que foi instituída terapêutica antiviral e anticoagulante. A evolução clínica e imagiológica foi compatível com necrose retiniana
aguda. Verificou-se ligeira melhoria da acuidade visual à direita (6/10) mas persistiu um défice grave da acuidade visual à
esquerda (< 1/10). A necrose retiniana aguda é um evento raro em idade pediátrica, cujo diagnóstico diferencial inclui outras
causas de amaurose súbita.
We report the case of a 7-year-old child with sickle cell disease, admitted with Streptococcus pneumoniae sep - tic shock, meningitis and pneumonia. During hospital stay he complained of sudden left eye blindness, and mucocutaneous labial herpes was simultaneously no- ted. The ophthalmological evaluation suggested left eye arteriolar occlusion and right eye acute retinal necrosis. Antiviral and anticoagulant therapy was started. Clinical and imaging evolution were compatible with acute reti - nal necrosis. Slight improvement of visual acuity was seen in the right eye (6/10) but visual loss persisted in the left eye (<1/10). Acute retinal necrosis is a rare event in children. Differential diagnosis includes other causes of sudden onset blindness.
We report the case of a 7-year-old child with sickle cell disease, admitted with Streptococcus pneumoniae sep - tic shock, meningitis and pneumonia. During hospital stay he complained of sudden left eye blindness, and mucocutaneous labial herpes was simultaneously no- ted. The ophthalmological evaluation suggested left eye arteriolar occlusion and right eye acute retinal necrosis. Antiviral and anticoagulant therapy was started. Clinical and imaging evolution were compatible with acute reti - nal necrosis. Slight improvement of visual acuity was seen in the right eye (6/10) but visual loss persisted in the left eye (<1/10). Acute retinal necrosis is a rare event in children. Differential diagnosis includes other causes of sudden onset blindness.
Criança Anemia falciforme Doenças da retina
Acta Pediatr Port 2016;47:91-4
Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria