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Introduc¸ão: Os divertículos uretrais femininos (DUF) afetam de 0,6 a 4,7% das mulheres, causam
frequentemente sintomas urinários persistentes e podem associar-se a complicac¸ões como
litíase e transformac¸ão maligna. Existe ainda elevado subdiagnóstico de DUF, bem como atraso
diagnóstico e terapêutico. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o estado de arte em relac¸ão à
etiologia, diagnóstico e terapêutica desta patologia.
Materiais e métodos: Revisão bibliográfica de artigos obtidos até janeiro/2014 na base de
dados Medline utilizando as palavras-chave: «female urethral diverticula», «female urethral
diverticulum», «urethral diverticula», «urethral diverticulum» e «female urethra»; e após pesquisa
de referências bibliográficas relevantes nos artigos obtidos.
Resultados: A maioria dos DUF parecem surgir secundariamente à infec¸ão das glândulas periuretrais
e uretrais. Apesar da associac¸ão clássica à tríade de disúria, dispareunia e gotejo
pós-miccional, as manifestac¸ões clínicas são diversas e inespecíficas. Mais de um terc¸o são
palpáveis ao exame ginecológico. Os métodos imagiológicos disponíveis, nomeadamente a ressonância
magnética e a ecografia, apresentam elevada capacidade diagnóstica e contribuem para
o planeamento cirúrgico. Dependendo da localizac¸ão, conformac¸ão e sintomatologia associada,
a terapêutica dos DUF poderá ser conservadora ou, na maioria dos casos, cirúrgica.
Discussão: A avaliac¸ão clínica permanece essencial para o diagnóstico de DUF. A ressonância
magnética é a modalidade com maior taxa de diagnóstico e de exclusão de complicac¸ões pré ou
pós-operatórias. Foram descritas técnicas menos invasivas, porém a diverticulectomia uretral
transvaginal permanece a terapêutica com maior cura sintomática.
Conclusão: A sensibilizac¸ão da comunidade médica é a melhor arma no combate ao subdiagnóstico
e atraso diagnóstico dos DUF.
Introduction: Urethral diverticula affect from 0.6 to 4.7% of women, are a frequent cause of persistent urinary symptoms and can present with complications such as lithiasis and malignization. Today, underdiagnosis and diagnostic and therapeutic delay of female urethral diverticula are still common. The aim of this article is to analyse the state of art regarding ethiology, diagnosis and therapeutics of this disease. Materials and methods: Bibliographic revision of articles published until January/2014 after search of the database Medline for the keywords: ‘‘female urethral diverticula’’, ‘‘female urethral diverticulum’’, ‘‘urethral diverticula’’, ‘‘urethral diverticulum’’ and ‘‘female urethra’’; and of bibliographic references of the articles obtained. Results: Most female urethral diverticula are secondary to infection of the periurethral and urethral glands. Despite the classically described triad of dysuria, dyspareunia and post-void dribbling, the clinical manifestations are diverse and unspecific. Over a third are palpable on gynaecologic examination. Imaging exams, namely magnetic resonance and ultrasound, have high diagnostic capability and contribute to surgical planning. Depending on location, conformation and associated symptoms, urethral diverticula can be managed conservatively or, more frequently, surgically. Discussion: Clinical evaluation is still essential for the diagnosis of female urethral diverticula. Currently, magnetic resonance is considered to be the best modality to diagnose the diverticula and to exclude pre- and post-operative complications. Less invasive techniques have been described but transvaginal urethral diverticulectomy yields the highest symptomatic cure rates. Conclusion: Awareness of the medical community is the most powerful weapon to reduce the underdiagnosis and diagnostic delay associated with female urethral diverticula.
Introduction: Urethral diverticula affect from 0.6 to 4.7% of women, are a frequent cause of persistent urinary symptoms and can present with complications such as lithiasis and malignization. Today, underdiagnosis and diagnostic and therapeutic delay of female urethral diverticula are still common. The aim of this article is to analyse the state of art regarding ethiology, diagnosis and therapeutics of this disease. Materials and methods: Bibliographic revision of articles published until January/2014 after search of the database Medline for the keywords: ‘‘female urethral diverticula’’, ‘‘female urethral diverticulum’’, ‘‘urethral diverticula’’, ‘‘urethral diverticulum’’ and ‘‘female urethra’’; and of bibliographic references of the articles obtained. Results: Most female urethral diverticula are secondary to infection of the periurethral and urethral glands. Despite the classically described triad of dysuria, dyspareunia and post-void dribbling, the clinical manifestations are diverse and unspecific. Over a third are palpable on gynaecologic examination. Imaging exams, namely magnetic resonance and ultrasound, have high diagnostic capability and contribute to surgical planning. Depending on location, conformation and associated symptoms, urethral diverticula can be managed conservatively or, more frequently, surgically. Discussion: Clinical evaluation is still essential for the diagnosis of female urethral diverticula. Currently, magnetic resonance is considered to be the best modality to diagnose the diverticula and to exclude pre- and post-operative complications. Less invasive techniques have been described but transvaginal urethral diverticulectomy yields the highest symptomatic cure rates. Conclusion: Awareness of the medical community is the most powerful weapon to reduce the underdiagnosis and diagnostic delay associated with female urethral diverticula.
Doenças da uretra Divertículo
Acta Urológica Portuguesa. 2015;32(2):47-56
Associação Portuguesa de Urologia