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Objetivos: Analisar dados demográficos, apresentação clínica,
fatores de risco, opções terapêuticas e sobrevida de doentes
com adenocarcinoma nasossinusal.
Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de doentes com
Adenocarcinoma Nasossinusal tratados entre 2000 e 2014, no IPOFGL.
Resultados: Identificamos 33 doentes com diagnóstico
de Adenocarcinoma. A idade média foi de 65.6 anos. A
terapêutica mais comum foi cirurgia com radioterapia
adjuvante. A sobrevida global e livre de doença aos 3 anos foi
de 57.6% e 40.5%. A invasão do seio esfenoidal (p=0.038) e
da base do crânio (p=0.003) influenciaram a sobrevida global.
O desenvolvimento de metástases à distância teve impacto
sobre a sobrevida livre de doença (p=0.01).
Conclusões: Os Adenocarcinomas são tumores raros. A excisão
da lesão toma um papel determinante no tratamento dos
doentes. Na nossa amostra, a invasão do seio esfenoidal, da
base do crânio e o desenvolvimento de metástases à distância
estão associados a um pior prognóstico.
Objective: To analyze treatment outcomes, including overall and disease-free survival rates, of patients with sinonasal adenocarcinomas. Methods: Retrospective study of patients with sinonasal adenocarcinoma treated in IPOFGL between 2000 and 2014. Results: We identified 33 patients; 17 were women and 16 men. Average age at diagnosis was 65.6 years and median follow-up was 39 months. Ethmoid sinus was the most frequent location; 51% presented at AJCC stage IV. Surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy was used in 70%. Overall survival at 36 months was 57.6%, with 40.5% disease-free survival. Recurrence was caused by local failure in majority of cases. Survival was decreased significantly in patients with sphenoid sinus involvement (p=0.038), skull base invasion (p=0.003) and recurrence metastatic disease (p<0.05). Conclusions: Complete surgical removal with postoperative radiotherapy remains the standard treatment modality. Sphenoid sinus and skull base invasion, and development of distant metastasis portend for poor prognosis.
Objective: To analyze treatment outcomes, including overall and disease-free survival rates, of patients with sinonasal adenocarcinomas. Methods: Retrospective study of patients with sinonasal adenocarcinoma treated in IPOFGL between 2000 and 2014. Results: We identified 33 patients; 17 were women and 16 men. Average age at diagnosis was 65.6 years and median follow-up was 39 months. Ethmoid sinus was the most frequent location; 51% presented at AJCC stage IV. Surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy was used in 70%. Overall survival at 36 months was 57.6%, with 40.5% disease-free survival. Recurrence was caused by local failure in majority of cases. Survival was decreased significantly in patients with sphenoid sinus involvement (p=0.038), skull base invasion (p=0.003) and recurrence metastatic disease (p<0.05). Conclusions: Complete surgical removal with postoperative radiotherapy remains the standard treatment modality. Sphenoid sinus and skull base invasion, and development of distant metastasis portend for poor prognosis.
Neoplasias da cabeça e pescoço Neoplasias dos seios perinasais Adenocarcinoma
Rev Port Otorrinol Cirur Cerv Fac. 2015;54(1):39-45
Sociedade Portuguesa de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia Cérvico-Facial