Browsing by Author "Gomes, A"
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- Acessos vasculares definitivos para hemodiálise: abordagem multidisciplinarPublication . Madeira, C; Gomes, A; Germano, A; Aleluia, C; Nunes, V; Correia, P
- Acessos vasculares para HD: a nossa experiênciaPublication . Gomes, A; Sousa, M; Rocha, R; Marinho, R; Fragoso, M; Pignatelli, N
- Adult intussusception: a single-center 10-year experiencePublication . Gomes, A; Sousa, M; Pignatelli, N; Nunes, VBackground Adult intussusception (AI) is a rare condition, usually with a lead point, and for which surgery is the treatment of choice. Given the risks and possible complications of untreated AI, an accurate preoperative diagnosis is of the utmost importance. Although AI remains difficult to diagnose, computerized tomography (CT) is presently considered the best diagnostic tool. Methods Sixteen patients of 20 years and older with intraoperative diagnosis of intussusception, who underwent surgery between January 2000 and December 2009, were reviewed retrospectively. Patients were assessed concerning clinical presentation, imagiological findings, surgical treatment, and postoperative histological evaluation. Results Most patients (93.8 %) were admitted via emergency room (ER) due to abdominal pain. Fourteen (87.5 %) AI cases showed an underlying organic cause, e.g., masses or tumors. The most frequent comorbidities were Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (PJS; 18.8 %) and HIV (12.5 %). Eight (50.0 %) intussusceptions were ileocolic and six (37.5 %) were in the small bowel. Total 43.8 % of lesions were malignant. Preoperative diagnosis of intussusception was possible in 50.0 % of cases by ultrasonography (US) and in 81.8 % by CT. US showed no predictive value concerning intussusception location. Total 27.3 % of CTs correctly identified the location, but only 9 % accurately identified the lead point. Conclusions We propose that all AI cases should be treated with surgical resection without attempting reduction, even when no lead point is detected by imaging studies, and this approach should be based on the oncological criteria. CT can be regarded as the most accurate diagnostic tool for intussusception, although its predictive value concerning location and lead point is still far from ideal.
- An 18-year-old woman with a 34-cm metaplastic breast carcinomaPublication . Gomes, A; Santos, V; Dias, G; Manso, RT; Gonçalves, L; Coiteiro, M; Gaspar, H; Nazaré, AMetaplastic breast carcinomas (MBCs) are rare malignancies usually with poor prognosis. We report a case of an 18-year-old African female patient who presented with a 34-cm tumor on the right breast. Biopsy showed an extensively necrotic MBC negative for estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (triple negative). A modified right radical mastectomy was performed, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Histology confirmed a widely necrotic undifferentiated malignant tumor, with strong and diffuse expression of vimentin and B-cell lymphoma 2, focal high-molecular-weight keratins and focal CD34 expression; Ki67 was >90%. There was no skin, deep margin or lymph node involvement. Six months after surgery, the patient showed a 9 × 7 cm nodule adjacent to the suture and adherent to the anterior chest wall. The tumor was considered unresectable and the patient evolved with rapid systemic deterioration. The patient had a progression-free survival of 6 months and overall survival of 9 months.
- An ontogenetic approach to gynecologic malignanciesPublication . Santiago, I; Gomes, A; Heald, ROntogenetic anatomy is the mapping of body compartments established during early embryologic development, particularly well demarcated in the adult pelvis. Traditional cancer surgery is based on wide tumour excision with a safe margin, whereas the ontogenetic theory of local tumour spread claims that local dissemination is facilitated in the ontogenetic compartment of origin, but suppressed at its borders in the early stages of cancer development. Optimal local control of cancer is achieved by whole compartment resection with intact margins following ontogenetic "planes". The principles embodied in this hypothesis are most convincingly supported by the results of the implementation of total mesorectal excision in rectal cancer, and more recently, by innovative surgical approaches to gynaecologic malignancies. The high resolution contrast of MR, accurately delineating pelvic fascial compartments, makes it the best imaging modality for gynaecologic cancer surgery planning following these principles, but requires interpretation of imaging anatomy from a different perspective. TEACHING POINTS: • Ontogenetic anatomy refers to mapping of embryologically determined body compartments. • Ontogenetic theory claims tumour growth is not isometrical, but rather compartment permissive. • Ontogenetic principles are highly supported by the outcome results of total mesorectal excision. • Innovative gynaecologic cancer surgery approaches based on ontogenetic theory show promising results.
- Anatomic features in preoprative vascular mapping by color doppler ultrasounPublication . Germano, A; Sousa, M; Gomes, A; Rocha, R; Pignatelli, N; Nunes, VBackground: Nowadays preoperative vascular mapping with doppler ultrasound (DU) is a standard procedure. Classically arterial morphology and flow is evaluated in umeral, cubital and radial arteries; deep venous system is evaluated for morphology and patency, and superficial venous system is evaluated for cephalic and basilic veins in proximal and distal segments of the arm and forearm. Different anatomic variants are described. Our aim was to evaluate the anatomical features found by colored DU between January 2011 and December 2012. Materials and Methods: We analyzed retrospectively 58 patients referred by nephrology department for primary AV access with colored DU for vascular mapping. Results: 60 DU were performed, all by the same specialized in AV access radiologist. We registered 38 anatomically normal DU, and 22 (36.7%) with vascular anatomic variants. 3 arterial variants were found - 1 absence of radial artery, 1 absence of the cubital artery and 1 subcutaneous radial artery – 3 deep venous system variants were found - 2 cases of duplication of the axilary vein, and one case of anterior positioning regarding to umeral artery of the external umeral vein - 17 superficial venous system variants were found: 3 regarding to basilica vein (absent in two cases and atrophic in another) and 12 cases regarding to cephalic vein (absent or atrophic in 12 cases; 2 cases in which the cephalic vein was subcutaneous in the forearm and arm and one case in which cephalic vein communicates with the deep system above the elbow. Conclusions: The number of anatomic variants accounts for 36,7% in our study, mainly regarding to the cephalic vein (54.5% of all variants) frequently used in for native primary AV access. The knowledge of these anatomical features allows the creation of the best possible and successful AV access. Thus reinforcing the importance of preoperative vascular mapping by a specialized radiologist.
- Antibioterapia de largo espectro como factor de risco para o isolamento de acinetobacter baumanni multiresistentePublication . Gomes, A; Correia, I; Rocha, R; Sousa, M; Pignatelli, N; Aldomiro, F; Nunes, VAntibioterapia de largo espectro é reconhecida como um factor de risco para a infecções multiresistentes. O objectivo é avaliar a associaçao entre antibioterapia de largo espectro com Meropenem (MP) e Piperacilina/Tazobactam (PT) com o isolamento de Acinetobacter baumanni multiresistente (ABMR). Estudo caso-controlo retrospectivo. Incluidos os individuos com ABMR+ no nosso hospital em 2010. Calculamos a incidenca nos Serviços Cirúrgicos, Serviços Médicos e Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Utilizamos para controlo uma amostra estratificada proporcional com 418 individuos calculada para um poder de 80%. Foi comparada a proporção de antibioterapia de largo espectro com MP e/ou PT nos ABMR+ e nos controlo. Foi comparada a distribuição da idade, sexo, score de Charlson, procedimetos invasivos e infecção previa entre os ABMR+ e os controlos. Foram incluidos 112 doentes: 14% cirurgicos, 61% médicos e 24% nas UCI. Idade média = 69 anos, 50% do sexo masculino. Incidencia global de ABMR+ foi de 0,28% (Cirurgia – 0,066%; Medicina – 0,63%; UCI-6,8%). A incidencia de ABMR foi superior entre os individuos sob MP ou PT: X2=273,5 p<0,001; OR=16,3 IC95%[10,53-25,33] para MP e X2=142,0 p<0,001; OR=9,10 IC95%[5,91-14,01] para PT. Os resultados são sobreponiveis para a analise de subpopulações. Nos doentes em UCI, o isolamento de ABMR foi indepedente do tratamento prévio com MP ou PT. A distribuição da idade, sexo, score de Charlson, procedimetos invasivos e infecção previa não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os casos e os controlos. Antiboterapia com MP e/ou PT foi um factor de risco independente no nosso hospital para a isolamento de ABMR nos Serviços de Cirurgia e Serviços de Medicina mas não em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
- Antibiotic therapy in acute pancreatitis: From global overuse to evidence based recommendations.Publication . Párniczky, A; Lantos, T; Tóth, EM; Gomes, AAlthough evidence indicates that use of procalcitonin to guide antibiotic decisions for the treatment of acute respiratory infections (ARI) decreases antibiotic consumption and improves clinical outcomes, algorithms used within studies had differences in PCT cut-off points and frequency of testing. We therefore analyzed studies evaluating procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy and propose consensus algorithms for different respiratory infection types. Areas covered: We systematically searched randomized-controlled trials (search strategy updated on February 2018) on procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy of ARI in adults using a pre-specified Cochrane protocol and analyzed algorithms from 32 trials that included 10,285 patients treated in primary care settings, emergency departments (ED), and intensive care units (ICU). We derived consensus algorithms for use of procalcitonin by the type of ARI including community-acquired pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma exacerbation, sepsis, and post-operative sepsis due to respiratory infection. Consensus algorithm recommendations differ with regard to timing of treatment (i.e. timing of initiation in low-risk patients or discontinuation in high-risk patients) and procalcitonin cut-off points for the recommendation/strong recommendation to discontinue antibiotics (≤ 0.25/≤ 0.1 µg/L in ED and inpatients, ≤ 0.5/≤ 0.25 µg/L in ICU patients, and reduction by ≥ 80% from peak levels in sepsis patients). Expert commentary: Our proposed algorithms may facilitate safe and efficient implementation of procalcitonin-guided antibiotic protocols in diverse healthcare settings. Still, the decision about initiation and cessation of antibiotic treatment remains a clinical decision based on the patient assessment and the severity of illness and use of procalcitonin should not delay empirical treatment in high risk situations.
- Apendicectomia no idoso: experiência de 5 anosPublication . Marinho, R; Rocha, R; Gomes, A; Tomás, R; Carneiro, C; Nunes, VA população geriátrica é um grupo particular, pelas suas comorbilidades e elevado risco cirúrgico. O nosso objectivo foi realizar uma análise multivariada comparando os outcomes de morbilidade e mortalidade nos grupos de doentes idosos (Grupo 1- 65 -75 anos) e muito idosos (Grupo 2 - mais de 75) estudando a associação entre variáveis preditivas e variáveis outcome. Estudo retrospectivo longitudinal através da consulta dos processos clínicos de 99 doentes, com idade superior a 65 anos, submetidos a apendicectomia urgente por apendicite aguda entre 2008 e 2011. Foram analisados dados demográficos e clínicos. Os doentes foram divididos em dois grupos etários: idade entre 65 e 75 anos (n=65) e idade superior a 75 anos (n=34) e comparadas as diferentes variáveis. A idade média dos doentes é de 72,9 anos (65A-100A), com 66% do sexo masculino. A existência de pelo menos uma comorbilidade foi mais frequente no Grupo 2 (37% vs 50%; p>0,05). ASA tendencialmente mais elevado no Grupo 1 (p>0,05). A sépsis à entrada foi mais frequente no Grupo 1 (28% vs 8%; p<0,05). Em relação à via de abordagem cirúrgica,a maioria foi operada por laparoscopia (60% vs 53%, p>0,05). Não houve mortalidade; a morbilidade médica e cirúrgicas mais elevadas no Grupo 2 (p>0,05). A abordagem laparoscópica influenciou positivamente o numero de dias de internamento (p<0,05), mas não a morbimortalidade. O subtipo histológico e a sépsis à entrada afectaram negativamente a morbimortalidade e dias de internamento (gangrenada - p<0,05). A idade superior a 75 anos não foi um factor determinante de morbilidade após apendicectomia e para morbilidade médica. A análise multivariada permitiu melhor estudo das variáveis preditivas.
- Apresentação atípica de linfoma agressivo ilealPublication . Pinto, E; Gomes, A; Costa, A