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- Massive Hematometra With Bilateral HematosalpinxPublication . Marques, P; Aleluia, C
- Granular cell tumor of the breast: correlations between imaging and pathology findingsPublication . Abreu, N; Filipe, J; André, S; Marques, JCOBJECTIVE: To review the imaging features of granular cell tumors of the breast (on mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging), establishing a pathological correlation, in order to familiarize radiologists with this entity and make them aware of the differential diagnoses, other than malignancy, of lesions with spiculated margins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the medical records (from a clinical-pathology database and picture archiving and communication system) of five patients with a pathologically confirmed diagnosis of granular cell tumor of the breast, treated at the Portuguese Oncology Institute of Lisbon, in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, between January 2012 and December 2018. RESULTS: All five tumors exhibited imaging features highly suggestive of malignancy (BI-RADS 5 lesions), namely spiculated margins, significant depth, and posterior acoustic shadowing (on ultrasound). One tumor showed a kinetic curve indicative of washout on magnetic resonance imaging, two were adherent to the pectoralis muscle, and one was accompanied by skin retraction. Pathology provided the definitive diagnosis in all cases. CONCLUSION: Granular cell tumors of the breast pose a diagnostic challenge because they can present with clinical and imaging features mimicking malignancy, and the diagnosis is therefore provided by pathology. Radiologists should be familiarized with this entity, so they can be aware of the fact that breast lesions with spiculated margins can be indicative of diagnoses other than malignancy.
- What you should know about emphysematous vaginitis?Publication . Tereso, AF; Granadas, JC; Baptista, MFEmphysematous vaginitis represents a rare and self-limited condition, which presents with vaginal discharge. Despite its benignity, it has some worrisome imaging features, which should be recognized in order to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures.
- Upper limb vascular mapping with Doppler ultrasound: Technique precision evaluated in healthy volunteers.Publication . Germano, A; Gomes, A; Martins, R; Sousa, M; Nunes, VIntroduction: Doppler ultrasound is recommended by international societies for preoperative vascular mapping in vascular access surgery. Literature is scarce regarding data on Doppler ultrasound-associated errors. Objectives: Our aim was to evaluate Doppler ultrasound precision for upper limb vascular mapping. Methods: Fifty-two adult healthy volunteers were evaluated for superficial vein diameter, brachial artery flow and diameter in the lower third of non-dominant arm by a dedicated vascular access radiologist blinded for the identification of the participants. Each participant was scheduled for three evaluations one week apart. Friedman test and multivariate analysis of variance for repeated measures were used. Results: There were no statistical differences within subjects across the three weeks except for brachial artery flow in participants who had basilic vein as the dominant vein. Discussion: Repeated anatomical and haemodynamic parameters measured by Doppler ultrasound performed by an experienced medical sonographer, according to our protocol, did not show statistical differences within subjects, independently of age, gender and body mass index.
- High-output heart failure in a newborn.Publication . Mascarenhas, MI; Moniz, M; Ferreira, S; Goulão, A; Barroso, RHigh-output cardiac failure is rare in newborns. Emergent diagnosis and management of this pathology is crucial. We report the case of a child, currently 12-months old; obstetric background is non-contributory. Clinic observation on D1 was normal except for the presence of a systolic cardiac murmur; cardiological evaluation revealed mild ventricular dysfunction of the right ventricle. On the third day of life, she developed cardiac failure with gallop rhythm, hepatomegaly and a murmur in the anterior fontanel; an echocardiogram confirmed clinic aggravation with biventricular dysfunction and right cavities and superior vena cava dilatation. The cranial MRI confirmed the presence of a pial arteriovenous malformation (AVM) involving the anterior and middle cerebral arteries with an associated fronto-parietal ischaemic lesion. The infant underwent embolisations of AVM with successful flow reduction and cardiac failure improvement. The multidisciplinary follow-up showed no cardiac dysfunction or permanent lesions but confirmed a severe psycho-motor delay and left hemiparesia
- Transmesocolic hernia with sigmoid colon strangulation without surgical history: a series of two case reports.Publication . Aparício, DJ; Leichsenring, C; Pignatelli, N; Germano, A; Ferreira, S; Nunes, VThe incidence of internal hernias is rare (0.2-0.9%). The prevalence of intestinal obstruction for an internal hernia is low (0.5-5%), however if strangulation is present the overall mortality is higher than 50%. There are multiple places where an internal hernia may be localized, with transmesenteric: transmesocolic (8%) and transomental (1-4%) as the rarest. We report a series of two cases (men with 40 years-old and women with 92 years old) of volvulus of colon sigmoid in a strangulated transverse and descendent transmesocolic hernia, with one case associated also to a transomental hernia. Both patients were submitted to a Hartmann procedure and on follow-up remained free of complains. In conclusion, transmesenteric internal hernia should be included as diagnosis hypothesis for intestinal occlusion and if the diagnosis is made, the patient should be submitted to emergency surgery due to high rates of complications, high morbidity and mortality.
- Urachal Adenocarcinoma: A Case Report with Key Imaging Findings and Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation.Publication . Schmitt, W; Baptista, M; Ferreira, M; Gomes, A; Gernano, AUrachal pathologies are rare and can mimic numerous abdominal and pelvic diseases. Differential diagnosis of urachal anomalies can be narrowed down by proper assessment of lesion location, morphology, imaging findings, patient demographics, and clinical history. We report a case of a 60-year-old male, with a history of unintentional weight loss without associated symptoms, who was diagnosed with locally invasive urachal adenocarcinoma. With this article, we pretend to emphasize urachal adenocarcinoma clinical features along with its key imaging findings with radiologic-pathologic correlation.
- Killian-Jamieson diverticulum mimicking a suspicious thyroid lesionPublication . Schmitt, W; Germano, AKillian-Jamieson diverticulum represents a rare form of esophageal diverticulum originating on the anterolateral wall of the cervical esophagus. Despite its rarity, it is crucial to recognize this entity, with such specific imaging findings, to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures such as fine-needle aspiration or even surgery.
- Massive pericardial effusion caused by hypothyroidism.Publication . Schmitt, W; Roque, D; Germano, AAlthough mild pericardial effusion is a usual finding in patients with hypothyroidism, massive pericardial effusion or pericardial tamponade is rare and customarily related to severe hypothyroidism. The diagnosis of hypothyroidism should be considered in the differential of patients presenting with unexplained pericardial effusion, even when signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism are nonexistent.
- Categorização TIRADS (Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System) e Bethesda de Nódulos da Tiróide: Experiência InstitucionalPublication . Germano, A; Schmitt, W; Ribeiro, C; Simões, H; Gasparinho, G; Ferreira, M; Gomes, AIntrodução: As categorizações TIRADS (thyroid imaging reporting and data system) e Bethesda atribuem riscos de malignidade e propõem recomendações a seguir visando uniformizar a interpretação desses exames pelos radiologistas e anatomopatologistas e triar eficazmente nódulos da tiróide para cirurgia ou seguimento. O objectivo do estudo foi avaliar o risco de malignidade das categorias diagnósticas TIRADS e Bethesda nos nódulos da tiróide puncionados na nossa Instituição. Material e Métodos: Foi efectuado um estudo transversal, descritivo e analítico, com avaliação retrospectiva dos dados. Incluíram-se 906 nódulos da tiróide de 842 doentes consecutivos, puncionados entre 01/01/2012 e 31/12/2014. Obteve-se confirmação histológica em 173 nódulos (19,1%). Os diagnósticos citológicos foram categorizados pelo sistema Bethesda. Foram estratificados 743 nódulos nas categorias TIRADS. Estimou-se o risco de malignidade das diferentes categorias TIRADS e Bethesda. Resultados: A percentagem de nódulos malignos entre os operados foi de 26,7 em 2012, 36,9 em 2013 e 55,2 em 2014. Nos estratos TIRADS 2, 3, 4a, 4b e 5 incluíram-se respectivamente 25; 354; 298; 49 e 17 nódulos. Obteve-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os riscos de malignidade dos nódulos pouco suspeitos (2, 3 e 4a – 5%) e muito suspeitos (4b e 5 – 48,5%), p < 0,001. As percentagens de nódulos nas categorias Bethesda I;II, III, IV, V e VI foram de 9,8; 73,1; 6,1; 5; 3,3 e 28, com riscos de malignidade respectivos de 2 a 15 %; 1 a 8%; 13 a 35%; 24 a 33%; 57 a 77% e 84 a 100%. Obteve-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os riscos de malignidade dos nódulos não cirúrgicos (I, II e III – 2 a 14%) e cirúrgicos (IV a VI – 49 a 65%), p < 0,001. Conclusão: Na classificação TIRADS, houve prevalência institucional superior à esperada de nódulos malignos na categoria dos provavelmente benignos e inferior à esperada de nódulos malignos nas categorias de elevada suspeição. Na classificação de Bethesda, houve prevalência institucional superior à esperada de nódulos malignos nas categorias benigno/indeterminado. Estas duas técnicas têm sido benéficas na triagem pré-cirúrgica dos pacientes com nódulos da tiróide, facto demonstrado por aumento progressivo da percentagem de nódulos malignos entre os tumores operados de 2012 a 2014.