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- Tratamento do cancro do estômago: será que o paradigma está a mudar?Publication . Silva, M; Tomás, T
- Neoplasia colo-rectal metastizada ad initium: um problema do nosso hospitalPublication . Atalaia, G; Batista, M; Tomás, T
- Doença oncológica metastática ad initium: orientação diagnósticaPublication . Santos, C; Faria, A; Monteiro, AC
- Abordagem dos efeitos secundários dos inibidores tirosina cinasePublication . Monteiro, ACOs slides abordam os diversos efeitos secundários dos inibidores tirosina cinase(fármacos anti-neoplásicos relativamente recentes na prática clínica) tendo em conta a sua apresentação clínica, o seu significado e a sua abordagem terapêutica.
- Inibidores dos microtúbulosPublication . Monteiro, ACTrabalho apresentado no Serviço de Oncologia do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, numa sessão de Farmaco-Oncologia, a 14/05/2014. As sessões eram destinadas à abordagem das diversas classes de citostáticos e outros fármacos usados no tratamento do cancro. Esta apresentação contempla a classe dos inibidores dos microtúbulos ou agentes anti- tubulina, abordando a natureza química bem como a farmacodinâmica e a farmacocinética dos compostos.
- Urgências neurológicas em oncologiaPublication . Monteiro, AC; Faria, A; Honório, M
- Cancro gástrico: doença loco-regionalPublication . Vergueiro, MJ; Silva, M; Fiúza, T
- Dacryocystorhinostomy: drill techniquePublication . Ramalho, M; Coutinho, I; Pedrosa, C; Pina, S; Vaz, F; Ferreira, M; Melo, AIntroduction: Dacryocystorhinostomy or DCR is a bypass procedure with an anastomosis between the lacrimal sac and the nasal mucosa via a bony ostium. It may be performed through an external skin incision or intranasally with or without endoscopic visualization. The success rates for endoscopic and external dacryocystorhinostomy vary widely (external 70-95%; endonasal 59-99%). Video: In the “classic” Dupuy-Dutemps-Brouget technique a scalpel blade is used to perform the skin incision and a Citelli’s punch is used to perform an osteotomy. In our procedure we use an electric scalpel to perform the skin incision which is an arciform incision at the orbital rim and a high speed rotary drill to perform the osteotomy. This technique is the procedure of choice in our Hospital. In 54 consecutive procedures with at least 1 year of follow-up there were only 2 recurrences, with an overall success rate of 96.3%. Conclusion: DCR is today a surgery which is carried out with excellent results by the ophthalmologist as well as by the otorhinolaryngologist. Our procedure has some differences from the common approach which may help to raise the success rate.
- Postenucleation socket syndrome: surgical repairPublication . Ramalho, M; Pina, S; Pedrosa, C; Santos, C; Vaz, F; Ferreira, M; Melo, AIntroduction: A contracted eye socket is a functional and cosmetic misfortune to the patient. It makes impossible to the patient to wear an eye prosthesis, but also becomes a source of chronic infection, discharge and irritation. There are several surgical techniques to deal with the postenucleation socket syndrome. Methods: Six consecutive patients with postenucleation socket syndrome underwent reconstruction of the anophthalmic socket. The cause for enucleation in 5 cases was related to trauma and a retinoblastoma in 1 case, all the cases presented to us several years after the enucleation and all the patients had difficulty or impossibility to wear the prosthesis. Results: All patients underwent surgery, which entailed scar tissue release, oral mucous membrane grafting and socket reconstruction. All patients who had surgery experienced significant improvement of socket contracture that enabled patients to wear a prosthesis again, improving significantly the quality of life. Conclusions: Surgical repair of the contracted socket using oral mucous membrane grafting can allow resumption of prosthesis wear. We describe 6 patients in which functional as well as aesthetic outcome was obtained.
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