Browsing by Author "Cardoso, G"
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- 48,XXYY in a general adult psychiatry departmentPublication . Santos, NB; Trancas, B; Pinto, P; Lopes, B; Gamito, A; Almeida, S; Ferreira, B; Luengo, A; Vieira, C; Martinho, J; Pereira, B; Cardoso, GThe 48,XXYY syndrome is a distinct clinical and genetic entity, with an incidence of 1:17,000 to 1:50,000 newborns. Patients often access mental healthcare services due to behavior problems, such as aggressiveness and impulsiveness, and are frequently intellectually disabled. We report a case of a patient with 48,XXYY syndrome treated in a general adult psychiatry department. A 23-year-old man was frequently admitted to our inpatient psychiatric unit (14 admissions in five years) due to disruptive behavior, including self harm, aggression to objects and animals, and fire-setting behavior, in a context of dysphoric mood and marked impulsivity. Upon observation, the patient had mild intellectual disability, with prominent impulsive and aggressive features and very low tolerance to frustration. His physical examination revealed hypertelorism, increased thickness of neck, acne, sparse body hair, triangular pubic hair distribution, fifth digit clinodactyly, small testicles and penis, and gynecoid pelvis. Laboratory analysis revealed endocrine abnormalities (low plasma testosterone and subclinical hypothyroidism). Cardiac Doppler sonogram was normal. Electroencephalogram revealed only a diffuse slowing electrogenesis, with no etiological specificity. Clinical suspicion of a chromosomal disorder was confirmed by a 48,XXYY karyotype. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging detected discrete bilateral reduction of the hippocampal formations, possibly related to temporal dysgenesia. Psychopharmacological treatment options met moderate success, with lack of adherence. Other psychosocial treatment interventions ensued, including family therapy and psychoeducation. We underscore the need to be alert for chromosomal disorders, even in a general adult psychiatry department, as a minority of patients may reach adult care without proper diagnosis.
- Alucinações musicais e esquizofrenia: a propósito de um caso clínicoPublication . Klut, C; Xavier, S; Graça, J; Cardoso, GAs alucinações musicais são um tipo de alucinações auditivas complexas. Trata-se de um fenómeno relativamente raro e etiologicamente heterogéneo. Como principais etiologias, têm sido apontadas a hipoacúsia, a patologia cerebral orgânica, a epilepsia, e as doenças psiquiátricas, incluindo a esquizofrenia. A propósito de um caso clínico, os autores revêem e discutem a etiologia e a psicopatologia das alucinações musicais. Parece tratar-se de um fenómeno sub-diagnosticado, cuja pesquisa activa poderá permitir uma compreensão mais completa do quadro clínico apresentado pelo doente.
- An OCD patient presenting with a cerebellum venous variant in a family with a strong schizophrenia loading: a case report.Publication . Palma, M; Borja-Santos, N; Trancas, B; Klut, C; Cardoso, GThe role of cerebellar pathology in psychiatric symptoms has long been recognized. Cerebellar pathology has been associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder pathophysiology, particularly with compulsive hoarding. Likewise, some cerebellum abnormalities have been described in schizophrenia, as well as in comorbidity between obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. The authors report the case of a 32-year-old woman with obsessive-compulsive disorder and a cerebellum development variant in a family with a strong schizophrenia loading. This case emphasizes the probable role of the cerebellum in the pathophysiology of both obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia, and reconsiders the existence of a so called schizo-obsessive subtype of schizophrenia.
- Aspectos psicológicos do doente oncológicoPublication . Cardoso, G; Luengo, A; Trancas, B; Vieira, C; Reis, DA doença oncológica é acompanhada de marcado sofrimento psicológico que atinge o doente e a família. O doente enfrenta, a partir do momento do diagnóstico, um conjunto de mecanismos e de tarefas de adaptação à doença e suas circunstâncias. A grande prevalência de quadros de ansiedade e depressão no seu decurso é mais acentuada na fase terminal. Destes factos decorre a necessidade de um plano terapêutico global integrando os cuidados somáticos e psicológicos/psiquiátricos em todos os estadios da doença oncológica. Os profissionais de saúde também estão sujeitos a reacções emocionais face ao sofrimento que presenciam, pelo que, é importante estarem atentos aos aspectos emocionais e desenvolverem formação que lhes permita intervir de forma adequada junto do doente e da família. A articulação de oncologistas e profissionais de cuidados paliativos com as equipas de saúde mental pode ter um papel importante para a prestação de cuidados de qualidade a doentes oncológicos.
- A brief diagnostic screening instrument for mental disturbances in general medical wardsPublication . Fink, P; Ørnbøl, E; Huyse, F; Jonge, P; Lobo, A; Herzog, T; Slaets, J; Arolt, V; Cardoso, G; Rigatelli, M; Hansen, MOBJECTIVE: Mental illness is prevalent among general hospital ward patients but often goes unrecognised. The aim of this study was to validate the SCL-8d as a brief questionnaire for mental disturbances for use in general hospitals. METHODS: The study included 2040 patients, 18 years or older, consecutively admitted to 11 general internal medicine wards in seven European countries. All patients were screened on admission by means of the SCL-8d questionnaire. The psychometric performance (i.e., the internal validity) of the SCL-8d scale was tested using modern item response theory (IRT) in the form of the Rasch model. RESULTS: Differences between sample characteristics were considerable. Even so, the SCL-8d scale showed a remarkable, statistically significant fit in terms of internal homogeneity (P>.01) in all individual settings, except in Spain and Germany where the item "Everything is an effort" had to be excluded to obtain a fit. When pooling data from all centres, an excellent statistical significance of fit (P>.05) was obtained by exclusion of the "Effort" item. The scale was homogeneous as to gender (P>.05), but not age as it performed better among young patients than among patients older than 60 years (P<.01). In these two patient groups both internal and external homogeneity (gender, median age) was achieved. The SCL-8d sum score showed a marked correlation with current and previous treatment for mental illness. CONCLUSION: Apart from the "Effort" item ranking differently on the latent severity dimension as to age, the SCL-8d seems very robust from a psychometric point of view. Besides being short, the SCL-8d scale contains only emotional symptoms. It would therefore seem to be an excellent diagnostic tool for use in medical settings.
- Care complexity in the general hospital: results from a European studyPublication . de Jonge, P; Huyse, F; Lobo, A; Slaets, J; Herzog, T; Lyons, J; Opmeer, B; Stein, B; Arolt, V; Balogh, N; Cardoso, GThere is increasing pressure to effectively treat patients with complex care needs from the moment of admission to the general hospital. In this study, the authors developed a measurement strategy for hospital-based care complexity. The authors' four-factor model describes the interrelations between complexity indicators, highlighting differences between length of stay (LOS), objective complexity (such as medications or consultations), complexity ratings by the nurse, and complexity ratings by the doctor. Their findings illustrate limitations in the use of LOS as a sole indicator for care complexity. The authors show how objective and subjective complexity indicators can be used for early and valid detection of patients needing interdisciplinary care.
- Characteristics of frequent users of an acute psychiatric inpatient unit: a five-year study in Portugal.Publication . Graça, J; Klut, C; Trancas, B; Borja-Santos, N; Cardoso, GOBJECTIVE: This study examined demographic and clinical characteristics of frequent users of a psychiatric inpatient unit in Portugal. METHODS: Data (2004-2008) for 1,348 consecutive psychiatric inpatients were reviewed. Frequent users (N=137), who had at least three admissions in the study period, were compared with nonfrequent users (N=1,211) on age, gender, race-ethnicity, diagnosis, and compulsory admissions. Data were analyzed with chi square and Student's t tests. RESULTS: Frequent users accounted for 29% of admissions. They were significantly younger than nonfrequent users (39±14 versus 44±17, p<.001), and a larger proportion had compulsory admissions (28% versus 14%, p<.001). The frequent user group also had significantly higher rates of bipolar disorder (61% versus 46%, p<.001) and schizophrenia (29% versus 18%, p<.003). CONCLUSIONS: Understanding characteristics of frequent users can inform development of appropriate services. Research should address other variables related to frequent admissions, including socioeconomic factors, general medical and psychiatric comorbidities, and treatment compliance.
- Comorbilidade psiquiátrica e características psicológicas numa amostra de doentes com síndrome TakotsuboPublication . Vieira, C; Luis, A; Miranda, M; Tiomé, C; Maia, T; Luorenço, A; Lopes, B; Cardoso, GA síndrome takotsubo é uma síndrome cardíaca aguda de bom prognóstico que ocorre mais frequentemente em mulheres pós-menopausa e que, geralmente, é precedida por stress psicológico ou físico. Os autores recolheram dados demográficos e clínicos e avaliaram aspectos psiquiátricos e psicológicos numa amostra de sete doentes com este diagnóstico. Foram aplicados o Questionário de Saúde do Doente e o Inventário Multifásico de Personalidade de Minnesota (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory – MMPI). Verificou-se que duas das participantes apresentavam uma perturbação depressiva e quatro se encontravam medicadas com psicofármacos. Os resultados da aplicação do MMPI revelaram características de psicopatia e paranóia nas doentes avaliadas.
- Comportamento alimentar em doentes bipolares do sexo feminino: estudo comparativo com grupo de controloPublication . Alexandre, J; Ribeiro, R; Ginestal, R; Cardoso, GOs doentes bipolares apresentam frequentemente perturbações do comportamento alimentar, que podem ser consideradas como comorbilidade da doença afectiva. O presente estudo teve como objectivo verificar se a existência de sintomas de perturbação do comportamento alimentar na doença bipolar é devida a factores específicos ou a factores inespecíficos relacionados com a doença bipolar.A trinta doentes do sexo feminino, com o diagnóstico clínico de doença bipolar (casos), e a dez doentes do sexo feminino com o diagnóstico de esclerose múltipla (controlos) foi aplicado o questionário EAT 26 e recolhidos dados demográficos e clínicos. Foram escolhidas para controlo doentes com esclerose múltipla devido a algumas semelhanças com a doença bipolar. Houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a pontuação do EAT das doentes bipolares e das doentes com esclerose múltipla, com as doentes bipolares a apresentarem uma média muito superior às doentes com EM. Não houve relação estatisticamente significativa entre a pontuação do EAT das doentes bipolares e variáveis demográficas e clínicas dessas mesmas doentes. O facto de a pontuação do EAT, que tem alta especificidade e sensibilidade para a presença de perturbação do comportamento alimentar, ser significativamente superior nas doentes bipolares pode significar que a perturbação do comportamento alimentar é devida a factores específicos de doença bipolar, e não a factores inespecíficos associados ao facto de se ter uma doença crónica.